1. By ordering products from our shop, you voluntarily accept that your personal information will be placed in a database, belonging to Amercom S.A. with head office in Warszawa, ul. Grzybowska 87. You also accept that this information will be processed according to regulations of the law, for promotional purposes, informational purposes or other marketing purposes of Amercom S.A. You have the right to have your information in our database erased or altered.
It is a necessity for you to give us your personal information to be able to place an order in our webshop.
You will be held responsible for giving us incorrect personal information.
2. The webshop amercom-hobby.com will not share your personal information with third parties. All personal information is solely used to process your purchase, according to Polish law about protection of personal information (law of 29.08.1997 about protection of personal information Dz. U. Nr. 133 poz. 833).